Hey, Barbecutie

Archive for July 2015

Catching Up splash

Big news from the world of this little writer…my comedy pilot Catching Up has been selected as one of five pilots now available for free download on Audible as part of their This Is Your Pilot Speaking season! The most popular pilot will become a full series! This is very very exciting! I can barely withhold the exclamation marks!

My pilot, Catching Up, is about four university friends who reunite after growing apart, and promptly fall back into some bad behaviour. Think The Inbetweeners meets Girls meets the inevitable fact that none of us will really make anything of our lives and we’re still the same disasters we were when we were eighteen years old. (Please tell me that feeling is universal, otherwise I really have to look at my lifestyle choices.)

It’s produced by Hat Trick with a cast of incredibly talented comedians including Margaret Cabourn-Smith (Peep Show, Miranda), Carrie Quinlan (The News Quiz, The Late Edition), Louise Ford (Chickens, Horrible Histories) and Grainne Maguire (fucking awesome stand-up). And while I’ve been long under the impression that women aren’t funny, this group somehow managed to overcome their ovaries and be completely incredible. It was a delight to be in the studio while they recorded, and even better to hear the finished product (hey, it sounds like an actual thing! Wow.). I’m thrilled with how it turned out, and it was fantastic to work with a group of such talented and hilarious women.

Link to Catching Up: http://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Comedy/Catching-Up-Audiobook/B00ZGDPD1C/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_srTtl?qid=1435938994&sr=1-1

If you or anyone you know has an Audible account, I would be grateful if you could have a listen, and if you enjoy, leave a review or rating. (Or if you hate it, completely savage me – I respect your autonomy.)

This is just the first episode of a six episode series. Things become more twisted and odd as the series goes on (oh, the hijinks! What hijinks there are to come!) and who knows, maybe Catching Up will be the pilot that makes it to series.

All five pilots are now available as a free bundle, so even if Catching Up isn’t your thing, you might find something else to catch your eye.